Saturday, December 31, 2016

Welcome 2017!

I will execute at least 2 personal projects in 2017.

#1 Project: Good Things Jar Project
Once upon a time, one of my bestie told me about self-enlightenment.  How to accept yourself by forgive yourself, love yourself and thankful for everything that happens to you on that day, by self-talk everyday at the end of the day before you go to sleep.  I will do it, beside self-talk, i will write down it on a paper and put it in the jar.  At the end of 2017, I will open the jar and read about all the amazing things that happened to me.

#2 Project: #InDianaTakesYouTo Project
I will write down all my journey and share it to others.  Hope this journal will be useful for others.

Lets Do It! And Welcome 2017!

Monday, January 25, 2016


Jangan lawan batu dengan batu, jangan lawan kertas dengan kertas, dan jangan lawan gunting dengan gunting. Tidak akan ada yang menang.

Dan jangan lawan batu dengan gunting. Guntingnya rusak, dan batu tetap menjadi batu.

Jangan pula lawan kertas dengan gunting. Gunting menang tapi dengan kertas yang harus terbelah terluka.

Lawanlah batu dengan kertas. Saat kertas menang, dia menang tanpa menyakiti batu melainkan dengan memeluknya.

January 25th, 2016  9:14 PM
Somewhere under the cloudy sky